Advocacy Planning Worksheet

This worksheet was designed to help you and your organization efficiently create an Advocacy Plan that can be used in helping design the message your organization wants to convey, and to navigate outside forces that can help or hinder your organization’s performance.  Separate worksheets can be used for advocacy and lobbying of separate issues.




Problem:  What issue are you trying to solve?

Platform: What is your vision of a perfect world?

Program:  What are you doing to solve your problem?

Current campaigns your organization is engaged in.  Ways to tie them in to the new program?

Who supports your organization?

What are they doing to advocate?

Are there ways to collaborate, partner or merge with them?

Who opposes your organization?


What are they doing?

What is the purpose of your meeting? General education, an idea for legislation, to show support or opposition, funding…

Now…  How can you tie this all together in a 5-10 minute meeting?

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