May 2021 News Preventing Loss

COVID has impacted our lives in many ways, one of which is making our organizations more susceptible to fraud and theft. 85% of employees are sending more emails due to working remotely. With 80% of breaches being traced back to email, this increased use creates a larger attack surface for hackers, multiplying the risk to organizations.

A UK study of more than 15,000 people found four out of five people see nothing wrong with stealing from their workplace. It appears that the majority of employees will steal, whether it is time, money and/or intellectual property. The pandemic has forced many companies to furlough or let employees go, sometimes making formerly trusted employees feel justified in taking whatever they can from the organization before they go, and every day more and more sensitive data is in electronic documents that can copied and distributed easily.

Even prior to the pandemic, utilities consulting companies found that about 80% of nonprofits were overcharged on utility bills. The complexity and technical nature of the billing process make it almost impossible to determine the accuracy of monthly bills particularly with staff already struggling with new demands from COVID.

Learn from experts in their fields to avoid losses from fraud, theft or even human error in the cyber world, intellectual property, and health insurance and utilities costs by joining us (virtually) on May 19 at 2 pm. $10 fee is waived for Florida Nonprofits’ members.

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