The Solutions Alliance

U.S. Census forecasts predict that by 2045 ethnic communities will become most of the nation’s population. Therefore, it is imperative for nonprofits to be able to communicate in languages other than English to effectively meet the needs of persons they serve.

For nonprofits to most effectively achieve their goals and fulfill their mission they must use the preferred language of the people being served. Also, when meeting new people and learning their needs, speaking with them in their preferred language allows nonprofits to connect with the person in an empathetic way and understand their concerns. It allows the individual in need to share specifics about their grievances, helping better solve them, while developing a strong and trustful relationship with the nonprofit organization’s team members.

Solutions Alliance’s LetzChat will allow members to:

  • Change emails, texts, websites
  • communicate directly with up to 104 different languages on zoom meetings and in-person meetings

Florida Nonprofits’ members receive 20% off the regular pricing for the program.

Click here to read more about The Solutions Alliance and LetzChat.

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